Your top questions

We’ve been busy answering your queries, so we thought it was time for another ‘Top Questions’ blog post. Here’s what you’ve been asking! What is Extra and when does it start? Extra is for applicants who have used all of their uni choices and want to apply to BU.  Please note you can only apply… Read more » about Your top questions

From Bournemouth to New York: My IBM Placement Experience

Stephen tells us how his BU placement year has landed him a job after university… Sitting in the IBM auditorium in the North Harbour, Portsmouth office, I was completely unaware of what would come of the next 12 months. I’d just finished my exams the week before, and now I was being inducted as a… Read more » about From Bournemouth to New York: My IBM Placement Experience

My week in photos

Here’s a week in my life – in photos! Day 1, Wednesday 3 February 2016 I study Television Production and am currently applying to work placements as part of my degree. Today I travelled to London as I was invited to an interview in Hammersmith! After the interview I met my mother and went to… Read more » about My week in photos

Shaay’s Lansdowne Campus tour

If you’re joining us for a Health and Social Sciences course, you’ll probably be spending a lot of time on Lansdowne Campus. It’s also where a lot of our first year students live. Here’s Shrada to show you around!