Diwali 2020: festival of lights…from home?

Diwali is a religious festival of lights that originated in India which takes place annually, marking the beginning of the Hindu New Year, and this year is celebrated from the 13-16th November. The tradition is celebrated not just by Hindus, but across many religions across the globe, but Diwali honours the Hindu goddess of wealth,… Read more » about Diwali 2020: festival of lights…from home?

What wellbeing support is available to me at BU and how can I use it?

How are you, really? We all know that being a uni student can be tough sometimes. Whatever the source of your feelings, it is important to remember to prioritise your wellbeing, both mental and physical. BU has a variety of wellbeing services available to students which you can make use of should you need to…. Read more » about What wellbeing support is available to me at BU and how can I use it?

UK Essentials

UK essentials for an Indian student

In the past year, I have learned and grown significantly in the UK. Every day to day activity has made an impression on me and how I always compare what I was used to back in India versus how things are different here in the UK. The following are some of the main lessons I… Read more » about UK essentials for an Indian student

Life in Bournemouth – current update

Over the last few months, the COVID-19 restrictions in the UK are being reduced, with some rules in place involving social distancing and other safety measures. In an attempt to kick-start the economy and ensure that things return to normal, most places are being reopened, with new safety systems put in place. This blog discusses… Read more » about Life in Bournemouth – current update

How to go out safely during the pandemic

If you’re excited about coming to university: you should be! It’s such an exciting time and even though there is a worldwide pandemic, there are different ways that you can keep yourself safe, and others, whilst still doing the outdoor stuff you love. I personally volunteer at a charity shop a couple of hours every… Read more » about How to go out safely during the pandemic

An arrowed sign that points towards the Student Village accommodation on Talbot Campus, Bournemouth University

My Top 5 Tips For International Travel Student Quarantine

Whether it’s your first time arriving to Bournemouth University or returning for another year, I know all of us are keen to start the next chapter of our lives. However, the circumstances of pandemic traveling will cause some students to quarantine upon arrival. Bournemouth University is fully prepared for this and have opened accommodations to… Read more » about My Top 5 Tips For International Travel Student Quarantine

Preparing for the weather in the UK

When I first moved to the UK, I had packed everything I thought I’d needed to prepare for the weather in Bournemouth. However, after living here for four years now, I have discovered a few more simple tips and tricks to make sure you’re ready for anything! If you’d like to learn more, check out… Read more » about Preparing for the weather in the UK

Why I chose MSc Physician Associate Studies?

Hear from Alexander and Sushila, currently studying MSc Physician Associate Studies, about what they love about their course and why they chose this career path. Physician Associate (PA) studies is a fantastic opportunity for graduates to become healthcare professionals, helping to diagnose and treat patients. Bournemouth University offers an intense two-year training course led by… Read more » about Why I chose MSc Physician Associate Studies?

Your Guide to Simple Cocktail Making at Home and Places to Visit for Cocktails in Bournemouth

Cocktail lover? You’ve come to the right place! University nights out can become expensive especially when you start to drink only when you get to the club, so many students will have a ‘pres’ drink before leaving for the club! Why not spice up your pre-drinks by creating some easy and simple cocktails! If you… Read more » about Your Guide to Simple Cocktail Making at Home and Places to Visit for Cocktails in Bournemouth

A wide shot image of the Fusion Building on Talbot Campus, Bournemouth University

Why would you study for a Master’s degree ?

In the crowded job markets nowadays, employers tend to look for candidates that stand out and can be distinguished easily. The extra higher – level qualification would give you a competitive edge between other applicants to improve your financial prospects as well as investing in your own future showing your ability to commit to an… Read more » about Why would you study for a Master’s degree ?

The Old Fire Station

Postgraduate Nightlife: What Awaits For You

Between all the parties and festivals which are often targeted at undergrads, it can be tough as a postgraduate to find nightlife dedicated to us. However, you don’t always have to go to fresher events to have fun. There are lots of great venues around town where you make your night your own. And while… Read more » about Postgraduate Nightlife: What Awaits For You