Healthy body and mind for avoiding the January Blues!

The third Monday of January has been known in recent years as Blue Monday, and this year the day falls on Monday 21st January 2019. It stems from the idea that the social fabulousness of the festive season is a distant memory (but the effects of it are still very much with us), and many… Read more » about Healthy body and mind for avoiding the January Blues!

BU was the only Cyber Security uni for me

Many of our graduates decide to return to BU to study a Master’s degree. Each has their own reasons. Hear why Jovana decided to stay at BU after completing her undergraduate degree in Psychology. What was your main reason for studying a postgraduate qualification? Better job prospects. Why did you decide to stay at/return to… Read more » about BU was the only Cyber Security uni for me

The best places to visit in Bournemouth

If you are submitting your UCAS application soon and debating whether to select BU as one of your choices or maybe you’ve applied but don’t know for certain if you will select is as your insurance or firm choice here’s why as a location Bournemouth is second to no other! Bournemouth is an extremely beautiful… Read more » about The best places to visit in Bournemouth

How to cope if you feel overwhelmed at university

The first few weeks at university are challenging at the best of times: you are placed in a new environment with people you don’t know, going places you’ve never been and doing things you’ve never done before; if you’re not nervous about any of it, you must be some sort of superhuman! Do not fret… Read more » about How to cope if you feel overwhelmed at university

Daniela’s path to an academic career in anthropology

Daniela, from Italy, studied BSc Biological Anthropology at BU before progressing to MSc Applied Sciences by Research. She said: “Before starting my degrees I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do for a career. I knew I was interested in research, human anatomy, archaeology, forensics and psychology, but I couldn’t imagine myself in any of… Read more » about Daniela’s path to an academic career in anthropology

New Year – How to eat healthy on a budget

The festivities are now over and the student loan has finally dropped but how can we combine trying to eat healthier whilst budgeting for the entire semester? Here are some handy tips: Check for supermarket reductions It’s not always fresh produce that has a short shelf life which can be found reduced but sometimes dented… Read more » about New Year – How to eat healthy on a budget

Postgraduate students…what do they do exactly?

Hello everyone. Today, we will dig into a life of a postgraduate student. What do they do? Is it all about studying? What else is offered in Bournemouth for us Master’s students? Let’s have a look. What can be done within the university? If your accommodation is within close distance to the university, you may… Read more » about Postgraduate students…what do they do exactly?