The third Monday of January has been known in recent years as Blue Monday, and this year the day falls on Monday 21st January 2019. It stems from the idea that the social fabulousness of the festive season is a distant memory (but the effects of it are still very much with us), and many of us have already failed at our New Year’s Resolutions and we are so done with this winter weather.
Here are some wellbeing tips you should consider to keep away the blues:
Take a social media detox
One of the best things you can do is limit yourself to how many hours you spend each day on social media. Even the giants that are Instagram realise that this is a much-needed mechanism for increasing productivity and wellbeing by allowing you to set a daily limit for the amount of time you spend on the app. Why will it work? Many people claim that it’s empowering to break free of the social media chains, you stop comparing yourself to others, stop wasting time watching memes and it allows you to actually spend time with real people… Talking to friends is the best therapy available!
Plan ahead
Try writing a list of absolutely everything you need to action within the next 12 weeks, then break these down into smaller timescales such as six weeks, two weeks and the next week. Prioritise what you need to get done (that assignment that’s due in in three weeks time?) and don’t allow yourself to fall behind schedule. Plan in time to exercise, socialise and free time to fill up spontaneously. You’ll find that by having a timeline of tasks you’ll be much more productive and far less stressed about what otherwise feels like a never-ending list.
Book a fun activity
We all need something to look forward to! Knowing you have set aside the time for a meal with the family, a spa day with your best friend or a team building day at a local activity centre with your class mates will make getting through the next couple of weeks much easier.
Take up a new hobby and make new friends
Always bored? Not clicked with anyone at uni? Fancy trying something new? Check out the SUBU clubs and societies, there are over 180 different clubs from the baking society to 5* sporting clubs. There is also a wide range of community based clubs such as the African and Caribbean Society and the Bournemouth Young Labour society. There should be something on offer that’ll make you feel at home.
Join a gym
SportBU offers some great value membership options such as 10 visits for £10. A lot of local gyms also do free trials, try searching their websites to sign up to one and make sure you check out what offers they have for students too. Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and stay healthy but you need to make sure that whatever you choose you enjoy it. Perhaps the gym isn’t for you but you like swimming? How about group fitness? Make sure you check the gym timetables to make sure you can attend the pool/classes when they’re available so you don’t waste your membership. If you don’t want to commit to a gym membership see if there are any community classes set up in church/school halls or community centres that allow you to attend on a pay as you go bases.
Or don’t join a gym…
If the gym isn’t for you there’s still plenty of ways you can get some exercise. Go for a walk or run with friends; we live amongst some of the most scenic areas in the country, get out an enjoy the fresh air. You could also try home fitness. You don’t need much room or any equipment to put together a home HIIT routine. HIIT workouts are some of the most effective and there’s bound to be a good dozen or so in all of the January fitness mag’s!

Try meditation or yoga
There are loads of mobile apps that help with learning how to meditate, which can actually be done in many forms from sitting in a quiet room to colouring. The aim is to take your focus away from stressful elements of life for up to 20 minutes. Yoga and stretch routines also count as physical exercise too!
Eat healthy
Eating healthy will not only help to boost your mood but it will also provide a sense of achievement. Avoiding alcohol will also help to keep feelings of anxiety and depression away.
Ask for help
If you think you’re suffering from more than just the January Blues, you can always book an appointment with SUBU to support you through this time, you’re never alone so please ask for help.