Why study Post Production Editing at Bournemouth University

BU student Madhumitha shares reasons why she choose BU to study MA Post Production Editing at postgraduate level. After lots of research online and talking to counsellors in the UK and India she chose BU. She gives us her reasons for travelling to the UK to study at Bournemouth University and also how she is… Read more » about Why study Post Production Editing at Bournemouth University

Sustainability in BU and Bournemouth

At Bournemouth University, sustainability is a core value and at the heart of the University. They have ranked in the top 15% of universities across the world in the THE University Impact Rankings and strive to ensure sustainability within the campus, everyday life and future career.                  … Read more » about Sustainability in BU and Bournemouth

Four students at the beach on graduation day

From Angkor Wat to Bournemouth – A Chevening Scholar’s Story

Sousdey everyone! Hello everyone! (Sousdey means Hello in Khmer) Well, where should I begin – I don’t know how to capture this in a few sentences. But let me try.  Born and raised in a remote village in Cambodia, my life has been nothing but adventurous since a very young age. From living in a… Read more » about From Angkor Wat to Bournemouth – A Chevening Scholar’s Story

After Receiving an Offer to Study at BU; Some Steps to Take.

Congratulations! Now that you have gotten an offer to study at Bournemouth University, I cannot but join other well-wishers to congratulate you, indeed, it is going to be another stride towards attaining your career goal. Obviously, this would take you away from your home country as an international student. Take note that it is compulsory… Read more » about After Receiving an Offer to Study at BU; Some Steps to Take.

Generational Equity and Sustainable Environment: a Common Goal for All.

Taken for Granted The world’s natural resources are fast depleting; globally, human beings are using them faster than they can naturally replenish themselves and we are not also replacing or replanting as much as we take or at the pace we explore where possible. For instance, reports have emerged that the fashion industry is not… Read more » about Generational Equity and Sustainable Environment: a Common Goal for All.

Dissertation, cinema trip, working and staying productive

Being in my last semester of my postgraduate course means that my days aren’t what you would consider to be the normal student experience, but this is what a day in my life as a postgraduate is like. I’ll compare this to how it was different when I had taught units, my tips for staying… Read more » about Dissertation, cinema trip, working and staying productive