How to make friends in your seminar group

So you’ve just arrived at uni, and you’re thrown into your first “proper” session of work, where it feels more like school in a classroom with uncomfortable chairs and a whiteboard at the head of the class. Around the room you are surrounded with unfamiliar faces and you have no idea where to sit, who… Read more » about How to make friends in your seminar group

Josh’s take on long distance relationships whilst at university

When it comes to relationships at University, you get to hear all of the comments that you may feel unnecessary such as “it won’t last” or “you won’t be able to do it”. It is these comments that encourage you to challenge the supposed stereotypes of University relationships and their failures. From my personal experience,… Read more » about Josh’s take on long distance relationships whilst at university

Five things you can do to make going out as stress-free as possible

Although the whole purpose of a night out is to go out with your friends and have a good time, there are so many opportunities for things to go wrong and for it to end up being actually quite a stressful experience! Here are a few ways to make the night run as seamlessly as… Read more » about Five things you can do to make going out as stress-free as possible

Why Bournemouth is the perfect university choice

This is a guest blog by current student Diana Pelino who is studying BA (Hons) Computer Animation Art and Design. Many people have asked me: “Why did you choose BU?” First of all, I chose BU for my course – it has the reputation of being the best 3D animation course in the country. Secondly,… Read more » about Why Bournemouth is the perfect university choice

The perks of getting a NUS card

  If there is one thing to love about being a student, it’s the discount. Whether it be whilst eating out with your friends, buying your new ‘ going OUT out’ outfit or stocking up on those uni essentials (there is no such thing as too much stationary), it’s always great to save some money! And the… Read more » about The perks of getting a NUS card

Veganism – a new craze?

We definitely couldn’t ignore the recent hype around veganism, what with Veganuary having just passed us by! Being vegan means following a diet and lifestyle that does not use nor contain any animal products. Recently there has been a sharp increase in the amount of young people hopping onto this craze especially throughout January where… Read more » about Veganism – a new craze?