Living in Lyme Regis House

Living in Lyme Regis House resembles a close community where your peers are your neighbours. The tenants from the flat parallel to mine are good friends we share ingredients, clothes, food, and support each other. The immense support from staff and security down in reception is also exceptional whenever concerns arise such as maintenance problems,… Read more » about Living in Lyme Regis House

Social and cultural life for international students

Hi everyone, I’m Ram from Malaysia, from the MA Directing Film and Television course. Today I would like to share my views about the social and cultural life that international students can have in Bournemouth. Bournemouth’s diversity Bournemouth is not an extremely busy place to live in, but at the same time it strikes a… Read more » about Social and cultural life for international students

Top tips for budgeting as a student

Hi everyone! I’m Areej! I am from Egypt and I’m doing the games software engineering course. Today I am going to tell you all about some budgeting tips that I personally follow. Being a student and having limited finances doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t go out or that you have to live off of instant… Read more » about Top tips for budgeting as a student

Healthy mind, great student life

Hi, my name is Alejandra and I’m a Masters student from Colombia. When planning on studying abroad, it’s always good to know about the services offered by universities in terms of personal guidance throughout your journey. Life is more than just studying and I have found great personal support from BU. Multi-faith Chaplaincy No matter… Read more » about Healthy mind, great student life

Being a Student Ambassador: A perfect opportunity

Hi everyone, my name is Alejandra and I am a Master’s student from Colombia. Before arriving in the UK, I found out about student ambassadors and their roles. Writing blogs caught my attention because I wanted to gain experience within the university.  I also wanted to earn some money for myself and this is what… Read more » about Being a Student Ambassador: A perfect opportunity