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Hi! My name is Patrycja, I come from Poland and I am a BA Computer Animation Art and Design student.

Where I study on my course

Some of my lectures are delivered in lecture theatres and some in seminar rooms where we sit in groups, there are also classes in an art studio.  My course is mostly practice based and it requires doing a lot of work on computers. Most of my time on campus, even after classes, when I am studying on my own using is spent in the open 24/7 labs.  These are a great study space and there are always people from animation courses that you can speak to for another opinion on your work.  There are other options available though.

When you need a quiet place

Sometimes it is hard to focus on studying at home as there are many more attractive things there like your comfortable bed or Netflix. The library can be your best bet if quiet is required, Michael Cobham Library is a great place to find resources and sit in a quietly. It is open every day usually till very late. I really like to go there from time to time, grab a book and just sit on the floor between the bookshelves reading it. There are always people working in the library that can help you find things you need. Like everywhere on campus the higher you go the less people there are so I usually use the resources on the third floor, it is a good place to read or even do some work on the computer without distractions. You can also book study spaces for your own use in the library and in other places on campus.

Study spaces for groups

Fusion Building

What happens when you need to do a group project or discuss something with other people?  Sometimes we get very excited when doing group projects so we need a place for a loud brainstorming where no one will hiss on us or hate us for shouting out ideas. There are many places to meet on Talbot campus. SUBU building is really nice with big sofas. Again the higher you go the more free space there is (and the view from the windows gets better). Other similar areas that are good for loud conversation, but maybe with a little less privacy are in Weymouth building. A little bit calmer and nicer place when you need a proper table can be found in the Fusion building. You can also find space here to sit alone with a coffee or some food with a friend.


What to do when it is so warm and sunny but you still have to study?

When the weather is nice sitting outside on a bench somewhere on campus can be also a good study space. Maybe it is not the best place to sit cramming for hours but sometimes your brain simply needs some fresh air after long periods spent in lecture theatres and labs.


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