Tips from a final year me to a fresher me!

Hey guys! it’s me…with a tips blog… again! If you enjoy my last 2 blogs I hope you will like this too, this time I want to write a blog to myself! I’m on the NCCA Art and Design course doing my 3rd and final year and, as this year is coming to an end… Read more » about Tips from a final year me to a fresher me!

Being part of the Asian, Arab and Ethnic Minority (AAEM) Community

BU is a lot more diverse than I originally expected. When I went to the Fresher’s Fair during my first year, I stumbled across the Liberation Campaign in the Students’ Union at Bournemouth University (SUBU). There are six campaigns represented by SUBU; Women’s Campaign, Transgender and Non-Binary Students Campaign, Students’ with Disabilities Campaign, LGB+ Campaign,… Read more » about Being part of the Asian, Arab and Ethnic Minority (AAEM) Community

Malaysian student in Bournemouth: Top 5 experiences!

Hello everyone! Can’t believe we’re already in May, how time flies! And I’ve been living in Bournemouth for almost 2 years too! So, I would like to share with you my top 5 experiences living in Bournemouth. Hope you’ll find it useful. Making friends This must be one of the top worries for every new… Read more » about Malaysian student in Bournemouth: Top 5 experiences!

The beauty of international living

I first learned the label ‘third culture kid’ when I was seventeen and I was immediately intrigued. It was nice to put a label to something unknown, especially when the conversations of “Where are you from?”  would arise. Third Culture Kid is defined as those individuals who are raised in a culture different from their… Read more » about The beauty of international living

Students playing Monopoly

You have your confirmed offer: What now?

So, you’ve got your offers back and you’ve gotten into university, what now? First of all, congratulations!!! The next steps can seem very daunting, but they’re actually very exciting and you should enjoy it. I’m almost about to graduate and I would do anything to go back to to that moment. The next steps Accommodation… Read more » about You have your confirmed offer: What now?

What I learned in my first semester at BU

This first semester of my master’s degree at Bournemouth University has been a true whirlwind! I’ve made friends, am working 2 part-time jobs, and completing my assignments. If you would like to gain insight into what your first semester could look like, or gain some tips and tricks, check out the video below!

Emily Ayling

Balancing it all (part-time work, studies and a social life)

Hiya, In today’s post I thought I’d give you some tips on how to balance everything. I think it’s so easy for uni to get hectic, you’re getting set a bunch of work whilst having to do all your cooking and cleaning as well as maintaining a social life and I think on certain busy… Read more » about Balancing it all (part-time work, studies and a social life)

What you can do outside of your degree at BU

Completing a degree at Bournemouth University has been amazing, but I’d say everything else I did on the side made this experience that much more rewarding. Here are a few things you too can do alongside your studies at BU that can help keep you balanced but also help you in the future. Please be… Read more » about What you can do outside of your degree at BU

Love your (e)-library: making the most of BU’s online library services

Access to essential university facilities such as the library was definitely one of the biggest things that affected my studies when we entered the first lockdown in March 2020. Gone were the days where I could head to the peaceful and warm library with stable Wi-Fi access and printing services to knock out an assignment…. Read more » about Love your (e)-library: making the most of BU’s online library services