Alyssa’s Journey to BU

“I know that I will face many challenges this next year… I am more than willing to put in the effort to overcome these challenges, and I am looking forward to arriving in Bournemouth!” Five years ago I found out that Forensic Anthropology was actually a field of study and ever since, I have been… Read more » about Alyssa’s Journey to BU

Abigail’s Journey to BU

“I was dead-set on Bournemouth and believed that whatever vision I had would definitely be met”. My journey to Bournemouth University started in 2014 during a midnight scroll around the Internet looking for a university with an excellent media department. Through my internet searching I came across BU and I was immediately sold because of… Read more » about Abigail’s Journey to BU

Being Latvian in Bournemouth

Latvia – the most amazing country in the world. Latvia is known as a country with stunning landscapes and magnificent nature. Overall, the easiest way to describe Latvia is to look at Ieva’s blog about Lithuania. Latvia is all of it, but 100 times better. It is impossible to describe how great my country is…. Read more » about Being Latvian in Bournemouth

Jaimalee’s journey to BU

As I started preparing my daughter Jennea for the bright, yet challenging, world ahead of her at her own university last year, she asked with concern and love, “What are you going to do now mum?” Without thinking, I answered her as I always had: “Live bold, follow bliss, experience despite fear”. I’ve said these… Read more » about Jaimalee’s journey to BU

The importance of networking during your postgraduate studies

Networking has become an integral contributor to success in career and business. It is even more critical for postgraduate students who are not just building on their careers but also seeking opportunities to advance their experience and expertise. So, just how is networking important during your postgraduate studies? Open doors to employment opportunities As a… Read more » about The importance of networking during your postgraduate studies

BU student wins national radio script writing competition

Ricky Santos, a BA (Hons) Scriptwriting for Film and Television student, has won a national radio script writing competition. Ricky, 29, was one of five finalists in Creating Waves 2016, a competition to write a radio ad on the subject of National Accident Helpline’s Accident Awareness Week. Ricky, who was a finalist in last year’s… Read more » about BU student wins national radio script writing competition

Eli’s journey to BU

“Don’t be afraid of having big dreams, because sometimes they do become true…” Sometimes it takes longer than you expect to find exactly what you want to do with your life and what your path is. It took me five years to realise what Master’s degree I wanted to do. I already had a very strong… Read more » about Eli’s journey to BU

The Start of my PR and Marketing Placement

On 26 February, I eagerly accepted an offer for a year long placement at allbranded UK, a promotional products company who were just launching their new and improved online store. I am now working in a friendly and welcoming office full of skilled individuals who can help and work with me throughout the year. Starting… Read more » about The Start of my PR and Marketing Placement

How BU has left a long lasting impact on my life

Bournemouth University has left a long lasting impact to my life. I studied MSc in Tourism Management & Marketing course and graduated in 2010. After graduation I returned to Vietnam and I am currently working as  a Lecturer in tourism marketing at Hong Bang International University. I am also the co-founder of and a partner in other projects, including… Read more » about How BU has left a long lasting impact on my life

Conor’s journey to BU

We’ve been asking our arriving students from outside the UK to share their journey to BU through blogs, vlogs and photos. Conor Dever’s joining us from Ireland on BSc (Hons) Music and Sound Production Technology. Watch his journey below… “I want to do what I love for the rest of my life and Bournemouth University… Read more » about Conor’s journey to BU