Two students and one lecturer all dressed in nurse skills uniform are standing around a mannequin on a bed

A mature student’s perspective on Adult Nursing and international placements

Liesa is a final year BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing student. She took the opportunity to visit Tanzania as part of a 4 week international placement and answered a few questions to tell us about her experiences both on placement and studying Adult Nursing at Bournemouth University.  1.  Tell us a bit about yourself and the… Read more » about A mature student’s perspective on Adult Nursing and international placements

My placements in Journalism

Placements was the greatest opportunity and requirement that I had to uptake during my time at university. Even though my course, BA Hons Multimedia Journalism, requires me to do a placement it is an element that is detrimental to the overall experience of learning Journalism. Journalism is done best when it is applied and gaining… Read more » about My placements in Journalism

Short placements – how to find them

One of the things that made me come to BU was the emphasis on placements and the opportunity to fit them in whether it be for a year or for six weeks, to ensure I had some real working experience to add to my CV alongside my degree once I graduated. Whether you come to… Read more » about Short placements – how to find them

Work placements. Expectation v’s reality.

Professional work placements are absolutely central to the BU ethos. While some of our courses include mandatory placements, others are optional.  Placement opportunities are exciting and offer students ‘real’ work experience gained within ‘real’ working environments, but as Alice Eastoe reveals in her guest blog, the perfect placement can sometimes be hard to find and… Read more » about Work placements. Expectation v’s reality.

A student’s guide to placements

Placement – now that’s a scary word. I remember when I applied for my course at Bournemouth, the thought of a placement seemed years away. But time flies fast at Bournemouth and all of a sudden – your placement is here! But although the idea of a placement year can seem daunting, my placement year… Read more » about A student’s guide to placements

#MyPlacementStory at ESPN

This is a guest blog written by Ross. Where are you from? I’m originally from Plymouth, Devon – now working in London as part of a placement year, bridging an undergraduate degree in English at Bournemouth University. Why did you come to BU? I decided to attend BU due to the diversity of the course and the… Read more » about #MyPlacementStory at ESPN

#MyPlacementStory – Design intern at Primrose

This is a guest blog written by Rebecca. Why did you come to BU? I came to BU as they are well known for their expertise in the media sector. Placement job title, company and location: Design Intern at Primrose in Reading Describe your role and responsibilities: Throughout the year, I have had a number of responsibilities from… Read more » about #MyPlacementStory – Design intern at Primrose

#MyPlacementStory – my year with Debenhams

This is a guest blog written by BA (Hons) English student, Daisy about her placement at Debenhams. Where are you from and why did you come to BU? I’m from Oxford. I came to Bournemouth as it basically ticked all of the boxes for me: away from home but only two hours away, loved Bournemouth town… Read more » about #MyPlacementStory – my year with Debenhams

#MyPlacementStory – Amplicon in Brighton

Name: Zelda Zemzare Course: BA (Hons) Advertising Where are you originally from? Latvia Why did you decide to come to BU? I wanted to study advertising and after meeting BU representatives at a university fair, the course at BU sounded like the perfect fit for me. Placement company: Amplicon Placement job title: Marketing Assistant Three words to describe your placement: interesting, fast… Read more » about #MyPlacementStory – Amplicon in Brighton