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MA 3D Computer Animation

With an increase in the demand for Computer Animation roles, both MA 3D Computer Animation as well as MA Digital Effects have seen a boost in the number of applicants throughout the years. Both courses are designed for students who wish to excel in a variety of 3D fields. There are a few things to consider when applying for either of the two courses other than your qualifications and personal statement. Students are also required to submit a portfolio as well as potentially a selection interview to get a seat on the course.

To help you in preparing a portfolio for your application there are a few guidelines that you should keep in mind.

Such as:

  • Having only your best work in the portfolio. Some WIP (Work in Progress) shots or artworks are also good to have to show your talent.
  • Your portfolio can be a document, presentation, video, or even online. The medium is flexible as long as the work is accessible and provides a clear idea of your skills.
  • Portfolios are assessed by the tutors of respective courses. Showing strong design principles and a fundamental understanding of tools and techniques helps make your application gain a good standing among others.
  • A portfolio can be based on any works you have done in the past. It can be from the field of fine art, illustration, painting, sculpture, graphic design, architecture, traditional animation, 3D visualization, scriptwriting, performance arts, and photography. If your experience is from any other media or skill it is also as valuable and will be considered appropriately.
  • It is advised to look up some showreels and student portfolios online, on YouTube, Vimeo, Artstation, The Rookies, etc. to get a better idea of how the industry standards look and this will help you stand apart from the general crowd. It is good to be as professional as you can be.
  • Example Title Card

    If your portfolio is a video, it is best to have the text hierarchy as Your Name (title: biggest text on the screen), your skills/field of work, and your contact details. You may include the list of software/tools you are familiar with in the last but it is optional.

  • Sample Frame

    Make sure all your works are clearly titled and include what you are responsible for in the said work. This will help give a clear picture of your skills. Include your references/breakdowns if possible as well.

  • It is good to get feedback from your friends and mentors regarding your portfolio. Sometimes you can miss something because you have been working on it for quite some time.
  • As a bonus tip, it is good to have your video showreel on Vimeo as you can replace the video with a newer version whenever you update your reel. Similarly having your art portfolio on Artstation or The Rookies is better as you can use their features and layouts to better present your work.

Here are some good examples of student works to help you get presentation ideas.

  1. Ghost Deer: https://youtu.be/ASV4YsWYpaY
  2. Bumblebee: https://youtu.be/itRKV5Oy46M
  3. Mushroom Hill: https://youtu.be/-N7zgNiV17o

After your portfolio is assessed you will be invited to attend an online interview to discuss your application further.

Please contact our Future Students enquiry team for any queries regarding the application process. If you are an international student you can also contact iat@bournemouth.ac.uk for assistance. Or alternatively talk to a student on your course of interest via unibuddies on the BU website.

With this, I wish you all the very best with your future application.

One Response to “Portfolio Tips – MA 3D Computer Animation, Digital Effects Application”

  1. Henry Cook

    3D computer animation courses are the most helpful way for students to reach out for their exact future because the digital market is growing more and more and also making more sources for their users. And the most efficient and interesting source for a techie person is to provide worthy Video Animation Services in a Video Animation Company just to showcase their skills.


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