
1st BU Department to have 100% of its staff with a Recognised Teaching Qualification!

At BU, we have been storming ahead to ensure that our academic staff have a recognised teaching qualification relevant to HE (typically HEA Fellowship or PGCert). I am therefore delighted to announce that the very first department to have 100% of its staff with a Recognised Teaching Qualification is…Sport and Physical Activity in the Faculty… Read more » about 1st BU Department to have 100% of its staff with a Recognised Teaching Qualification!

Applying for HEA Fellowship

One of BU’s key performance indicators in BU2018 is that every academic has either Fellowship (or higher) of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) or a teaching qualification. These introductory ‘Applying for HEA Fellowship’ sessions have been designed to support colleagues with their HEA applications through TeachBU. These sessions will be run by Faculty Mentors who… Read more » about Applying for HEA Fellowship