October is Black History Month in the UK, across the country, numerous events are being held to celebrate the enormous contribution members of the Windrush generation have made to this country.
Bournemouth University celebrated the 70th anniversary of Windrush on 5th October.
The launch of the book “Ivory Tower” was also on that day, the book was developed by Dr. Deborah Gabriel for the Black SisterNetwork as part of a wider project focusing on race and gender inequality within and beyond academia.
The authors draw on Black feminist theory to examine how race and gender shape the experiences of women of colour in British academia and how racism manifests in day to day experiences within faculties and departments, from subtle microaggressions to overt racialised and gendered abuse. It touches on common themes such as invisibility, hypervisibility, exclusion, and belonging, highlighting intersectional experiences.
The editors of this book are Dr. Deborah Gabriel and Prof Shirley Anne Tate; the contributors to this book are: Prof Claudia Bernard, Dr. Jenny Douglas, Dr. Ima Jackson, Dr. Josephine Kwhali, Dr. Heidi Safia Mirza, Dr. Elizabeth Opara, Ms. Aisha Richards, and Dr. Marcia Wilson.