How do BU staff work together across teams, departments and faculties?

Natalia Lavrushkina is kindly undertaking some really useful research that considers how BU staff work together across teams, departments, faculties etc.


The results will be shared, but we need to reach 60% of academic staff (which is a real challenge) to ensure that the findings are as meaningful as possible.


We are all busy, but I’ve done it myself and can confirm that it doesn’t take long, and your contribution will make an enormous difference to the value of her findings.


If you can find three minutes, and didn’t already complete this survey over the summer, please help and click on the link here to find out more info, and you will have received an email on 17th July (re-sent on 9th Sept) with a personalised link for you to follow to submit your contribution.


Thank you! Martyn

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