Autumn of 6C: Essential Workshops

6C Essentials: This interactive session will identify what you currently know about 6C, what you need to know and what the next steps are.
It will incorporate good practice, the principles and processes of high quality student-centred assessment, learning, and feedback specifically focusing on the move from assessment of learning to assessment for learning (Sambell et al, 2013). It will cover constructive alignment, an essential part of curriculum design, and we will remind you about the 50 ways to assess your students and how we will be embedding technology into our assessment practices moving ahead.By the end of this session you will:

1.     Identify the components of 6C for your particular discipline area

2.     Critically appraise your own practice and consider ways in which you can enhance your students experiences of assessment

3.     Create your own checklist for implementing 6C

To Book:

Date Time Location
4th September 10am-11am PG30a
11th September 10am-11am PG30a
11th September 2pm-3pm EB705
18th September 10am-11am PG30a
25th September 10am-11am PG30a
25th September 2pm-3pm S218

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