Colleagues, I am pleased to share the slides and video of the session below, arranged by Dr. Shahin Rostami
Title: TEF and NSS: A managerial view
Speaker: Prof. Ferrante Neri
Location: Inspire Lecture Theatre, Bournemouth University
Date & Time: 30th of August, 11:00
Overview: The Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) has recently become a fundamental exercise for British institutions since it directly affects the prestige of an institution and likely has an important impact on the students’ enrollment. Broadly the six metrics affecting the TEF can be divided into two categories: 1) Employability; 2) National Student Survey (NSS). The TEF metrics are also strictly related to the national ranking of the department and the University.
This talk offers a view, based on experience and reactions of colleagues and students, on how to positively influence and affect the student satisfaction with some attention on their employability (which is ultimately the expected consequence of a successful degree). This is achieved by performing some structural actions that are likely to promote a good student experience as well as some ad-hoc actions aiming at obtaining a satisfaction boost in strategic moments.
Biography: Ferrante Neri obtained his MSc in Electrical Engineering in 2002 from the University of Technology of Bari, Italy and PhD in Computational Sciences (Scientific Computing and Optimisation) in 2007 from the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Currently, Ferrante Neri is a Professor of Computational Intelligence Optimisation at the School of Computer Science and Informatics, De Montfort University, since May 2013. Prof. Neri is actively involved in the managerial activities of the School since he is Subject Group Leader of the Games Mathematics and Intelligent Systems area and Associate/Deputy Head of School.
Prof. Neri is an expert in the field of metaheuristic optimisation and mathematics for computer Science. He is an associate editor of Information Sciences and Integrated Computer Aided Engineering. Prof. Neri has produced over 150 refereed publications, including a book in the field of Memetic Computing and a monograph about Linear Algebra in Computational Sciences and Engineering. The entire scientific output of Prof. Neri has attracted nearly 5000 citations and he has an H-index of 34 (Google Scholar). His main research focus consists of investigating and designing novel optimisation algorithms for specific problems and for enhancing algorithmic robustness of the proposed methods with adaptive mechanisms.
Colleagues: added to post
Video of the talk:
Dr. Shahin Rostami
Programme Leader, MSc Applied Data Analytics (ADA)
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Innovation in Education Leader
Department of Computing & Informatics
Bournemouth University
Talbot Campus, Poole House,
Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB, UK.
Tel. (+44) 01202 962403