Summer of 6C: Generic Assessment Criteria

Changes are coming to assessment and feedback in 2018-2019 and 2019-2020. Programmes will undertake a major re-write of assessments in 2018-2019; there will be extraordinary Faculty Academic Standard Committees (FASCS) across both campuses to bring all units in line with the new assessment and feedback policy, Principles in Assessment and Design: 6C, which states that there should be no more than 2 elements of assessment in a 20 credit unit per semester, totalling 3,000 words or equivalent (unless required by PSRBs) and there must be formative assessment and feedback incorporated into each unit. For more information, check out our blog post explaining the policy change:

To help prepare us all for these changes, we, in CEL, thought it might be a good idea to support colleagues with some refreshers on best practice, as well as some helpful hints and tips! Welcome to the Summer of 6C!

Generic Assessment Criteria

The Generic Assessment Criteria were updated in 2016-2017, reviewed by a CEL-led working group, with representatives from Faculties, SUBU and Academic Quality.

To support the principle of assessment for learning, feedforward statements have been incorporated to underpin future learning, in addition to feedback statements. A clearer and neutral form of language is used which refers to the work submitted and not the student and the criteria are set out in landscape format for greater clarity and easier comparison between mark bands.

Have a look at the criteria below and see how you can incorporate these into your unit guides and also in how you provide feedback.

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