CELebrate 2017 – registration open!

We are ready to welcome you to our one day regional CELebrate2017 conference on Assessment and Feedback on Tuesday June 13th 2017 in the Fusion Building, Talbot Campus. The keynote speaker is Professor Dai Hounsell, an expert on the topics of assessment, feedback and feedforward. This brochure details presentations, posters and workshops. Examples include peer feedback; comparisons of online versus print portfolios, the use of photography for feedback/feedforward, and technology enhanced assessment and feedback.

This is a FREE event, with lunch and refreshments. Please book a place, whether you are a conference presenter or delegate, using the following Eventbrite link https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/celebrate2017-assessment-and-feedback-conference-tickets-34849686350

For those on twitter, the conference hashtag is #CELEbrate2017. Please tweet in advance and on the day!

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