TeachBU: Pilot success

We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of our TeachBU PLS & PAL Leader pilot programme! This initiative led by Dr Martyn Polkinghorne, aimed to enhance peer-assisted learning and support among our students, and we are delighted to share that it has achieved remarkable results. As a testament to the success of this pilot, we are proud to recognise the following students who have been awarded the Advance HE Associate Fellowship at our recent panel meeting:


Faculty of Media and Communication (FMC)

Madison Drew Horvath

Kiah-Jay Stevens

Saffron Cave


Faculty of Science and Technology (FST)

Maria Tsiapi


These students have demonstrated exceptional dedication, leadership, and commitment to enhancing the learning experience for their peers. Their achievements are not only a personal milestone but also a significant contribution to our academic community. We invite everyone to join us in congratulating Madison, Kiah-Jay, Saffron, and Maria on their outstanding accomplishments. Their hard work and passion for peer-assisted learning have set a high standard for future PLS & PAL Leaders.

The success of the TeachBU PLS & PAL Leader pilot program is a promising indicator of the positive impact such initiatives can have on our students and the broader academic environment. We look forward to expanding this programme and continuing to support innovative teaching and learning practices at our institution.

With pride and best wishes,


The TeachBU Team

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