Psychological Perspectives on Academic Misconduct

Dr Guy Curtis, recently interviewed by ABC News24 about student cheating (watch the interview), leads the next talk in the online webinar series on Academic Integrity. Taking place on Wednesday 13th December 12-1pm, he explores the psychological impacts of the possibility of reward against a sense of threat in the realm of academic misconduct. Read the abstract below.

“There are two grand debates in psychology, whether people’s psychological profiles are determined by nature (i.e., heredity) or nurture (i.e., the environment), and whether people’s actions at any point in time are determined by the person themselves (i.e., their individual characteristics and traits) or the situation they are in (i.e., the specific rewards and threats facing them). The later of these has underpinned the work of psychology researchers who have investigated academic integrity and academic misconduct – do students cheat because they’re bad, because they are forced to, or is it a bit of both? This presentation will provide an overview of some of the recent research that has investigated the psychology of academic misconduct.”

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Dr Guy Curtis

Dr Guy Curtis is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Psychological Science at the University of Western Australia.

His research interests include academic integrity and applied psychology, with a focus on individual differences in academic misconduct and organisational leadership.

He is an author of over 50 journal articles, co-editor of an upcoming book on Contract Cheating, winner of the inaugural Tracey Bretag prize for academic integrity in 2021, and a multi-award-winning university teacher.

#AIBU22, #AcademicIntegrity, #HigherEducation, #BUProud

Brought to you by Steph Allen and the FMC Learning Development Team

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