D2L, the suppliers of Brightspace, have lots of resources on how to use Brightspace tools (check out the Brightspace Tutorials YouTube channel). This December, they are also offering five 30 min training sessions specifically around online learning, covering topics such as how to structure an online course, how to gamify courses and what personalised learning actually means.
See below for full details and links to sign up for each session.
Introduction to Flipped Learning
The ‘flipped classroom’ model is one of the easiest ways to structure a blended or hybrid course, freeing up your face to face time with learners so you can concentrate on meaningful interactions instead of covering basic material. This 30 minute session will be a live walk through of how you can build out a flipped structure in a course, but we will also show you how you can use different activities to make the most of this educational model.
30th November 10-1030am GMT: https://d2l.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lvb3Cr-eSwyCDJihXdVeMg
8th December 3-330pm GMT: https://d2l.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7By0mrtQSDqfqjkqx3tg8Q
Reflecting on Group and Individual Activities
Reflection is a powerful learning tool, allowing learners to deepen their understanding of a concept and think about it in other contexts to consolidate their learning. In this 30 min session, we’ll walk through different reflective activities and how you can structure these within a course for both groups and individuals.
1st December 10-1030am GMT: https://d2l.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Qi84KhCmRLKgVAGowLZi-Q
9th December 3-330pm GMT: https://d2l.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_aXQ9mgd0SzybqH158WMYBQ
Retrieve your badge: Gamification and learning models
Retrieval learning is a learning model that is often used for repetitive face based learning, ensuring that you don’t forget the information you learnt 2 months ago as you learn the new stuff. It is a great model for motivating learners to test themselves and their memory, but is more motivating when coupled with badges and awards. This session will walk through the setup of a retrieval learning model and what tools you can use to do so before diving into some game theory and how you can begin to gamify your course.
2nd December 10-1030am GMT: https://d2l.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_I0_yfNvDSoWE6eWBejR20w
7th December 3-330pm GMT: https://d2l.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_U7YToEY3ThqBAV5-W8uNfQ
Building out your Assessments
Brightspace has lots of tools that can be used to assess student learning, but how do you chose which ones work for you? In this session we are going to go through the importance of using a variety of assessment types within a course, how you can structure them within the flow of materials, and which feedback tools will work best for your assessments.
3rd December 10-1030am GMT: https://d2l.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_tEBB15ifTZ6eDrEXY2feIg
10th December 3-330pm GMT: https://d2l.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Qt_f6bEBTjGYWdwdTU4RHg
Personalizing the Learning Journey
Personalization is a bit of a buzzword and can mean a whole load of different things. In this session, we’re focusing on how you can personalize the learning journey itself, including how to offer learners a choice of activities to drive motivation and engagement, and then how to send them on their own remedial pathways to aid their success.
4th December 10-1030am GMT: https://d2l.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NEpW5vY2TGWSBFSHKIzlyg
11th December 3-330pm GMT: https://d2l.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_AFghk3dFQcquy8WpdZlVmw