Successful Re-Accreditation for TeachBU: Update on HEA Fellowships

BU’s TeachBU programme has been successfully re-accredited for the next 4 years. This means that BU will be able to continue to offer Associate Fellow, Fellow and Senior Fellow awards based upon CPD applications received.

There will be some changes in the new programme including modified forms, guidance and process, and more details on these changes will follow on this blog over the next few weeks. If you are thinking of developing your application now, please note that the documents and training materials available on the web will need to be updated, and that this will take a few weeks to roll-out.

In the meantime, the number of case studies, and word count for each case study, will remain similar, and so you can continue to use this as general guidance. Once we know the new application submission dates they will circulated on this blog. Currently, I’m expecting the first submission date of the new academic year to be the 31st October 2020, but this will be confirmed in due course.

Can I take this opportunity to offer my sincere thanks to every member of academic and professional service staff who has supported the TeachBU programme over the last 4 years, undertaking mentoring, assessing and chairing roles as required. Without your continued support there would not have been a TeachBU programme, and on behalf of all those who have been successful in gaining Fellowship at any level – thank you!


Dr Martyn Polkinghorne

TeachBU Academic Lead and Chair of the Assessment Panel for HEA Applications

One Response to “Successful Re-Accreditation for TeachBU: Update on HEA Fellowships”

  1. Mark Ridolfo's avatar Mark Ridolfo

    Many congratulations, Martyn! I know that this was a painstaking and time-consuming process, but you managed this very important re-accreditation fantastically.


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