Group assessments with multiple file submissions

Do you set group assessments for your students? Do these involve students submitting multiple files? Here are some of the key considerations when planning for groupwork with multiple file submissions:

Turnitin doesn’t support group submissions with multiple files

If you want group coursework to be submitted via Turnitin, so that you have similarity reports and can provide inline feedback, you have two options:
  1. Ask students to merge files into one document
    Students combine all deliverables into one pdf file and submit the single file. To support students with this, direct them to the following guidance under the Help pages on Brightspace:
    Submitting Turnitin Assignments
    Combining PDF files
  2. Use two separate submission boxes 
    If the required files cannot be combined into a single PDF document then your Programme support team will set up one submission box which is Turnitin-enabled, and one for additional files which is not Turnitin-enabled. Only the single file that is submitted via Turnitin will have a similarity report and the potential to provide inline feedback. Students will submit any additional files via the second submission box through Brightspace. Give students clear direction on which box to submit their files to. This type of submission format is listed under the Independent Marking Plan – Online Turnitin and Additional files.

Large/multiple file submissions (standard process – non-Turnitin)

A standard Brightspace submission box will support the submission of multiple files for group coursework. There is no similarity report produced (as Turnitin is not enabled) and feedback is provided using the Brightspace assignment tool. If your assessment requires multiple files to be submitted and you don’t require a similarity report, use this submission format – Online Large/Multiple Files. You can direct students to this guidance on how to submit:
Submitting large/multiple files

Managing Group coursework  4 students seated in a circle

Changes to Group enrolments are common but can cause issues down the line with access to marks and feedback, so we’d recommend you keep on top of group activity:

  • Have check in points so you can identify any issues within groups early on, such as non-cooperation by particular group members
  • Clarify within the coursework brief details of how the assessments are to be submitted, including direct links to guidance for students and where to go for support if they are struggling

Check out our guidance on Managing and assessing groupwork  which includes a section on managing group issues.

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