Save the dates – ASV lunch, learn and innovate!

Join our lunchtime ASV workshops to develop your foundational knowledge and hands-on skills to effectively integrate Animation, Simulation, and Visualisation (ASV) tools into your teaching and learning practices. We’ll discuss ASV concepts and the importance of ASV in enhancing learning experiences, and focus on different tools and case studies in each session.

7th Feb 3rd Apr 10th Apr 13th-17th May 5th Jun
ASV tools
Faculty showcases
PedEd Techinnovate! Simulation group showcase


ASV Tools – Wed 7th Feb 12.30-13.30 F206

Screen shot of mentimeter, padlet, synthesia and h5p examples

Mentimeter, Padlet, H5P and Synthesia examples

In the ever-evolving field of education, Animation, Simulation, and Visualization (ASV) tools have emerged as transformative assets for engaging students and deepening comprehension of complex subjects. This sixty-minute workshop at BU aims to provide educators with essential knowledge and practical skills to seamlessly integrate ASV tools into their teaching. By embracing ASV, participants can enhance their teaching practices, creating a dynamic learning environment that sparks student inspiration and captivation. The session covers key topics, including an overview of ASV tools, their significance in enriching learning experiences, hands-on exploration of entry-level tools (e.g. Padlet, Menti, Synthesia and H5P), showcasing successful case studies from Faculties, and engaging discussions on the real-world impact of ASV on student engagement and learning outcomes. Join this transformative journey where education meets innovation! and don’t forget your laptop 🙂

We look forward to seeing you there!

The FLIE Team


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