We’re looking forward to welcoming colleagues to the Fusion Learning Conference on Wednesday 5th July. It promises to be a full day incorporating a keynote, panel discussion, pecha kucha presentations and poster showcase. Check out the agenda for the day – Agenda.
There’s still time to sign up via our Eventbrite page. If you are presenting on the day, please ensure that you have registered so we have the correct numbers for catering purposes. And let us know if you have any special dietary requirements in advance by emailing FLIE@bournemouth.ac.uk.
In the afternoon, we’ll be running our escape room! Join us in FG04 from 1.45pm to explore some of the TEL tools and resources you might use to increase engagement on your units using a gamification element. And also help save the world
Click on the image below to receive your mission briefing from our AI Agent!

My name is Agent Flie from the Office of Global Security. We have been made aware of an impending threat from the Artificial Intelligence entity GPT Omega, known colloquially as ‘Gepetto’. We need your help to neutralise this risk by joining our escape room at the Fusion Learning Conference on Wednesday 5th July. Come to FG04 at 1.45pm on the day, to receive your full mission briefing. Agent Flie signing off.