Did you know HSS have a Faculty Simulation Interest group? Led by Dr Ursula Rolfe and reporting into the Executive team, they work to share and enhance best practice, and contribute to the faculty Simulation Strategy.
Meetings alternate between online and face-to-face, and in the February meeting Dr Vikram Mohan shared his initial overview of the use and value of a HOLOLENS as an option of enhancing clinical practice; Anglia Ruskin have a link direct into a clinic already established.
Microsoft HoloLens 2 is an untethered, self-contained
holographic headset that allows users to leverage
enterprise-ready mixed reality (MR) applications
while working “heads up” and “hands free.” Microsoft
boasts a vast ecosystem of applications and services
in addition to solutions from third-party partners that
enable industry-specific use cases. HoloLens 2
enables educators to strengthen learning and
teaching, improve knowledge sharing and retention,
increase productivity, reduce operational costs,
bolster recruiting, strengthen brand image, increase
safety, and improve the student experience.
Forrester Mixed Reality Report
(Note the report is commissioned by Hololens provider, Microsoft)
However, keen to explore the reality, not the hype, and aided by Dr Ehtzaz Chaudry from FLIE, and Dave Hunt, HSS Faculty Learning Technologist we had an amazing demonstration of the technology….and are starting to collate the evidence base – if you spot any papers, please do send over and contact us if you are interested in exploring this technology further.