Tales of the Unexpected: Traps and Pitfalls in Academic Integrity
This series of online seminars led by experts from around the world and hosted by Bournemouth University continues in 2023.
An increase in academic misconduct has been evidenced across the global HE sector and more recently in UK HE. The pandemic has exacerbated a decline of academic integrity and an increase in offences that go beyond the concept of plagiarism. At institutional level, mitigations are in place, but more can be done.
The sessions explain and discuss the variety of misconduct that is globally evident and offer opportunities for support and guidance on how to mitigate academic offences beyond the current institutional activities.

How do I join?
All sessions are running online via Zoom. Sign up via the FLIE Eventbrite page.
Alternatively, BU staff can simply join on the day and time by clicking on the links in the Workshops and Drop-ins page of the Brightspace Staff Resources area, or using the links in the table below.
Date | UK time | Speaker | Title |
25 Jan | 16.00-17.00 | Dr Sarah Elaine Eaton, Dr Robert W Brennan, Dr Jason Wiens, Dr Brenda McDermott |
Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity: Insights for Teaching and Learning |
8 Feb | 12.00-13.00 | Mary Davis | Over-Represented Students in Academic Conduct Problems
15 Feb | 14.00-15.00 | Deborah Horrocks, Turnitin | Contract Cheating: the Student Perspective |
21 Feb | 12.00-13.00 | Klaus Mundt, Mike Groves | Machine Translation and Academic Work: a Ghostwriter in the Machine |
We look forward to seeing you in 2023!
#AIBU22, #AcademicIntegrity, #HigherEducation, #BUProud