Changes to Faculty LT support

There will be some changes to the Learning Technology team this summer as John Moran, previously Faculty Learning Technologist for HSS, moves to take up a new opportunity within the faculty. Your Faculty Learning Technologist and the rest of the TELID team will be there to support you as usual, throughout the summer. You can still contact us via the faculty mailboxes but the lead contact for your faculty may have changed.

Contact your Faculty Lead Learning Technologist for guidance, consultation, best practice advice or new ideas. We can advise on the use of TEL in a range of areas:

  • support with embedding more formative feedback
  • advice for improving student engagement
  • guidance on tracking student performance
  • help with making the most of Brightspace
  • bespoke training on request.

The Learning Technology Team Summer 2022:

Photo of Ben GoldsmithBen Goldsmith BU Business School

Photo of Dave Hunt
David Hunt

Faculty of Health and Social Sciences

Photo of Mike Mallia
Mike Mallia

Faculty of Media and Communication

Photo of Stephen Pyne
Stephen Pyne

Faculty of Science and Technology
Photo of Oli Moore
Oliver Moore
Digital Learning Assistant
Photo of Tracey Webb
Tracey Webb
Learning Technology Team Manager

Technical Support

For any technical or urgent TEL related issues, just call the IT Service Desk on 01202 965515 or raise a job online. The IT Service Desk team can resolve or triage your issue to the appropriate team, so this is the fastest way to resolve any issues you may have.


We wish John all the best in his new role and look forward to working with you!

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