Brightspace issue with large file submissions

We are currently investigating an issue with large file submissions which is preventing students from submitting large files to Brightspace (files over 1.3 GB). A fix has been identified and D2L are actively working on resolving the issue. We’re hopeful this will be resolved shortly and will update you on any developments.

How does this affect assignment submissions?

We’re not expecting this issue to affect the majority of student assignment submissions; standard assignment submissions (for example, assignments submitted via Turnitin) will remain unaffected. The issue only affects students who are required to submit large files (typically media files) to Brightspace. These students will be unable to submit these types of files and will need an alternative way to submit.

What do I need to do?

If your unit has an upcoming large file submission over the next few weeks, please email with details of the unit and the assignment and we will advise on alternative submission methods.

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