What is the Turnitin draft checker?
The Turnitin draft checker service provides originality reports for students on their draft assignments to help them identify any potential issues with referencing and plagiarism. Students can upload their work to view a Similarity report and score on their work, allowing them to decide whether they have referenced their work adequately or whether they need to make some changes prior to submitting it.
How often can students use the Tii draft checker?
Student have access to two draft checker boxes per semester. One box is for assignments and one is for take-away exams. They can upload to each box as many times as they like.
How long does it take?
The first three submissions to each box will result in an immediately generated similarity report. For any further uploads there will be a longer delay; with similarity reports being returned 24 hours later. Students are advised to run draft submissions through the checker well ahead of their submission deadlines so they have enough time to get help if they need it.
Can students utilise the draft checker for dissertations?
All students have the same access to the checker, regardless of what they are studying. So dissertation draft submissions will follow the same criteria; three attempts in a semester where the report will be immediately available with any further attempts resulting in a 24 hour wait time. Dissertations could be submitted to either (or both) boxes.
How do students access the Tii draft checker? 
Students can access the service via a button on the Brightspace Homepage.
Further information and guidance for students is available from the Help button in the Brightspace navbar.