Monthly Archives: March 2021

Free virtual conference on Online and Blended learning for HE

Remote conference logo

After their inaugural event last year, organised in immediate response to the Covid crisis, REMOTE is back on June 9-10 2021. Hosted by Arizona State University, the event aims to join educators and decision makers from universities and colleges globally to view and engage with presenters and peers on pedagogy, blended learning and best practice… Read more » about Free virtual conference on Online and Blended learning for HE

TeachBU Update – BU Ahead of Sector Average

New data released by AdvanceHE confirms the excellent news that 75.4% of BU academics now have HEA Fellowship in one of the four categories (Associate Fellow, Fellow, Senior Fellow and Principal Fellow). This is compared to a sector average of 52.8% and a Universities UK benchmark average of just 45.8%. The data released does not… Read more » about TeachBU Update – BU Ahead of Sector Average

Digitally enhanced education webinars

Digitally enhanced education webinars The University of Kent run a very well attended webinar series (Debbie and I presented to 1,100 online participants!) about the work we all did ‘moving learning online’ in a hurry. We were joined by some inspirational speakers talking about a whole range of’ ‘digi’ topics. For us, a great resource… Read more » about Digitally enhanced education webinars

Supervising Doctoral Studies: Views on new online Epigeum course wanted

We have been given the opportunity to trial a new edition of Epigeum’s Supervising Doctoral Studies. Epigeum provides online courses designed to help universities deliver their core activities. The course for supervisors has been developed in collaboration with a panel of expert advisors, authors, reviewers and partner institutions. Professor Stan Taylor, Honorary Professor of the… Read more » about Supervising Doctoral Studies: Views on new online Epigeum course wanted

TeachBU Update

I am delighted to confirm that Dr Mel Hughes from FHSS has agreed to take on the role as Deputy Chair of the TeachBU Assessment Panel. Congratulations and a massive thanks to Mel for her continued support of the TeachBU initiative which is key to our ability to offer AdvanceHE’s HEA Fellowships to BU staff…. Read more » about TeachBU Update