In August around 2 million viewers watched online as a boxing match between YouTube stars Logan Paul and KSI at Manchester Arena was streamed live around the world. I recently attended a Bournemouth wedding while the groom’s family watched on in rural France. Next month at BU, our own graduation ceremonies will be streamed to our graduates’ families and friends from India to Lebanon to Nigeria. Live streaming is rapidly becoming part of our everyday lives with easy to use applications such as Periscope, Instagram Live and Facebook Live making this technology accessible to almost everyone.
To learn more about streaming, one sunny afternoon in September myself, my fellow Assistant TEL Developer, Jenna Giles-Bodilly and Harley, the miniature labradoodle, went to visit the Birds of Poole Harbour Engagement HQ. If you have ever visited Poole Quay you might remember the pub covered in bright green tiles on the quayside – this is the Poole Arms, and the HQ is right next door.
At this walk-in centre there are a number of monitors displaying live feeds from Brownsea Island Lagoon as well as an up-close bird feeder from a local countryside centre. The charity has used specially designed audio visual equipment and electronic circuits systems designed and installed specifically for wildlife watching by self-confessed ‘obsessive’ naturalists Wildlife Windows.
Streaming is set to have a major impact on education in the next few years. Video lectures and educational content has already helped millions learn through platforms such as Coursera and Lynda. These tend to contain ‘On Demand’ video that are prepared in advance and then accessed by multiple users at the time of their choosing.
Perhaps even more exciting for universities is the potential to host a ‘real-time’ live classroom where students can learn together at the same time from whatever location.
The Birds of Poole Harbour Engagement HQ also features touch screen maps so you can plot your route around the harbour, listening stations where you can hear the calls of local birds, and live video feeds from multiple locations, and boasts generous opening hours from Tuesday – Sunday. It was the final stop of Chris Packham’s UK Bioblitz tour, which had included involvement from BU Academics.
Now you can create a similar experience for your students. With the introduction of Panopto and Brightspace at BU you can harness the power of streaming and become a BU streaming star.
You could stream in your office, lecture theatre, or laptop, to students who could be anywhere with their mobile phones, tablets or laptops. Students can ask you questions and share comments with you and other students in real-time all through Brightspace and Panopto!
To watch the Brownsea Lagoon feed from the comfort of your own home (or office!) please go to their website:
To harness the power of streaming at BU you can find simple step-by-step instructions for setting up your live stream (also known as a Webcast) on the Brightspace Staff Resources. If you have any special requirements please do get in contact with your Faculty Learning Technologist:
Faculty of Media & Communication: David Hunt
Faculty of Science & Technology: Stephen Pyne
Faculty of Health & Social Sciences: John Moran
Faculty of Management: Mike Mallia
What a great idea. And sweet dog!