Call for aspiring National Teaching Fellows (those ready and those building a profile)

As you are probably aware, the HEA (now Advance HE) has, for the past 18 years, offered the opportunity for outstanding HE educators to be recognised as National Teaching Fellows. This is a hugely prestigious award that carries kudos both for the individual and her/his institution. This year, for the first time, BU was successful in gaining its first ‘home grown’ NTF, Dr Sue Way (HSS) and we are now keen to capitalise on that success and support other colleagues in working towards and applying for NTF recognition next year.

What can you do? We are holding an introductory symposium on 21st November (full details are on the Eventbrite page here: NTF Regional Symposium at BU). We would love you to identify and target any members of staff in your own department who you think may be interested and able to evidence the impact they have had on developing/improving education practice both within and externally to BU. Your encouragement in them attending the symposium and using it to develop an NTF profile and application would be hugely appreciated. Below is the schedule and link to Eventbrite – PLEASE ASK THEM TO BOOK! 

Aspiring National Teaching Fellows’ Networking Event, run by NTFs for aspiring NTFs

Bournemouth University would like to invite you/your colleagues to a free networking event:

Wednesday 21st November – Aspiring Teaching Fellows’ networking event, run by NTFs for aspiring NTFs

This event aims to support staff who wish to develop a national profile and who aim to pursue a National Teaching Fellowship. The event will provide networking opportunities and will offer discussion of examples of excellent pedagogic practice that all may learn from.

The event will draw together HE colleagues, including a number of National Teaching Fellows (NTFs), from across a range of institutions and disciplines across the southern region. The event aims to be the first of a number of southern events that hopefully will develop to support and promote excellence in learning and teaching. The event aims to build NTF capacity – to develop a vibrant network of ‘local’ NTFs that can support and work collaboratively with colleagues across the region.

The programme is as follows:

9.00 -9.30             Coffee and pastries

9.30 -10.00          Welcome and overview of the NTF scheme: Prof Stephen Tee NTF, Prof Debbie Holley NTF and Dr Sue Way NTF, with guest Dr Kirsten Hardy (AUB and previous Chair, Association of National Teaching Fellows)

10.00 -11.15        Teaching, inspiration and excellence – Dr Kirsten Hardy

11.15 -11.30        Short comfort break

11.30 -12.30        Preparing for your application: a practical session Kirsten, Sue and Debbie

12.30 – 13.30       Lunch and networking

13.30                     Close

Further details can be found here: NTF Regional Symposium at BU


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