Special Edition on Flexible Pedagogies in Higher Education
*Call for Expressions of Interest*
In a fluid, dynamic and global world, higher education systems cannot but exhibit flexibility and it is right that they should do so; equally it is crucial that we recognise and embrace different ways of thinking about flexible learning that reflect the influence of sometimes complementary, and sometimes competing, drivers and value orientations. Flexible provision has the potential to enhance student learning, widen opportunities for participation in higher education, and develop graduates who are well-equipped to contribute to a fast-changing world. The aim of this issue is to bring together cutting edge examples of effective efforts at imaginative educational innovation regarding flexible pedagogy at all levels of university operation.
For this special edition of the journal, we are inviting expressions of interest in submitting an article in one of these forms:
- Case Study research – based on empirical research in flexible pedagogies and practices which can be discipline-specific or generic; if the research is discipline-specific an explanation of how the idea may be used beyond the immediate discipline should be clearly articulated. (4000 words)
- Theoretical / Conceptual articles on research and practice-informed frameworks that support the development of flexible practises. (3000-8000 words)
- Research articles – longer papers, providing a clear rationale for the study within the body of published research as well as policy imperatives, an overview of the research methodology adopted, a presentation of findings (or interim findings for longer term studies still in progress), and a discussion of those findings in relation to existing knowledge. (8000 words)
Expressions of interest for all the formats described above should not exceed 500 words and should give a working title, state the type of article proposed, and outline the proposed content to include:
The rationale for the focus
Methodology / methods for empirical papers
Theoretical/conceptual frameworks being considered
Preliminary findings
Implications for practice
- Please submit your expression of interest to the special issue editorial team, Dr Sam Elkington (elkington@heacademy.ac.uk) and Stella Jones-devitt (S.Jones-Devitt@shu.ac.uk) by 15 September 2017
- Shortlisting of potential articles by 30 November 2017
- First drafts submitted by 30 April 2017
- Feedback on first drafts by 31 May 2018
- Submission of final articles by 31 July 2018
- Decisions by editorial panel by 31 August 2018
Dr. Sam Elkington (Guest Special Editor)
Stella Jones-Devitt (Guest Special Editor)
Professor Carol Evans (Editor in Chief)
For information on Higher Education Pedagogies, see www.tandfonline.com/toc/rhep20/current