Placement Development Advisor for the Faculty of Media and Communication, authors an article on Placement Peer Assisted Learning (PAL)

Apologies for cross posting but an excellent article here on the implementation of the Placement Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) scheme, from original faculty pilot project to campus-wide initiative.

The article has been authored by Vianna Renaud, Placement Development Advisor for the Faculty of Media and Communication, and published in the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS) Phoenix journal. The Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS) is the professional body for careers and employability professionals working with higher education students and graduates and prospective entrants to higher education.

As the focal point for sector-wide research and expert opinion, this issue of Phoenix focused on current best practice surrounding placements. With membership of over 2,800 careers and employability practitioners in over 160 HE institutions, as well as in other sectors and overseas, it is a leading source of current practice and information.

Vianna comments: ‘Bournemouth University has an established history of PAL leaders, and has successfully trialed Placement PAL pilot projects, with the 2016-17 year being the first year that Placement PAL was implemented across the campus. Contributing to this dedicated issue was a wonderful opportunity to share our success with the greater UK HE university community, potentially creating Best Practice amidst the sector.’

‘Given the growing numbers of BU students choosing a sandwich placement experience, this issue contains a wide range of related current and topical issues. As both a practitioner and researcher in the field, I would highly recommend staff to read this issue.’

The article can be accessed here. For further inquiry, please contact Vianna Renaud, Placement Development Advisor of the Faculty of Media and Communication at Bournemouth University. She can also be reached on tel no. 01202 752 441.


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