By Richard Wallis & Ashley Woodfall (joint-PIs)
CEL Innovation Awards, Project Update
This CEL Innovation Award was originally predicated on the idea that our project would span two faculties working together. The most significant and exciting development to have
occurred since work has begun, is its extension to three faculties. The Faculty of Media and Communication (represented by Richard and Ashley), and the Faculty of Management
(represented by Erika Borkoles), are also now being joined by the Faculty of Health and Social
Sciences (represented by Chris Willetts).
In this exploratory workshop, students and staff from each of these faculties will come together to examine new approaches to assessment based upon the principles of ‘backward design’ and co-creation. Students from three distinct learning cultures, subject areas, and professional orientations, will work together in cross-faculty groups, to explore the purpose and creative possibilities of assessment by looking in depth at units from each of the programmes that they represent.
The workshop is now planned to take place in the Kimmeridge Building over the weekend of 4th & 5th March 2017. The entire process will also be captured by Media Production students, who will be filming throughout. The three principal outcomes we are aiming for are therefore: the production of a number of specific co-created assessment tasks for particular units from programmes within each of our three faculties; a transformative experience (we hope!) of mutual understanding for staff and students involved in the workshop, and a greater transparency about the assessment process by all concerned; and a video record of the weekend, produced by staff and students together, enabling the lessons learned to be shared with a wider audience of staff and students here in Bournemouth, and beyond.