What has been your innovation this year?

Since the start of semester 1, CEL has been supporting staff across the university to ‘try something different‘ to enhance their teaching and professional practice.

One of the initiatives within this campaign is a BU-wide scheme called ‘iInnovate‘ where academic staff are encouraged to adopt one new innovation in their teaching.  With the agreement of all Faculties, staff have been invited to use a tool from the TEL Toolkit or any other innovation for example creativity, assessment and Lego Serious Play.  CEL has been supporting the initiative with a number of workshops across the two campuses this semester.

Staff trying something different have been asked to complete a short feedback form (available at http://bit.ly/iInnovate).

One the latest posts from a member of staff said:

It was with great interest that I have participated into the iInnovate workshops so far. I have found them very useful to evaluate new ways of assessing learning, redesigning delivery or use new ways to engage students.

I have used some tools this semester as
– Mentimeter, to provide input for further discussion in class and gather feedback
– Wiki on myBU to provide a dynamic FAQ session
– Padlet, to capture feedback at the end of a lecture

I am reflecting on how to put other tools at best use, but just wanted to remark how useful has been to attend the iInnovate workshops!

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