As part of the Fair Access Research project we wanted to share with you news and data that has been making headlines over August.
- HEFCE published Differences in employment outcomes: Comparison of 2008-09 and 2010-11 first degree graduates. One of the most significant findings related to outcomes differences for black and minority ethnic graduates. The report also found that graduates from the most advantaged backgrounds have substantially higher professional employment rates than those from the least advantaged backgrounds
- The NUS has published a report highlighting how 47 per cent of graduates from 2015 have moved back in with their parents
- A Level results have shown a 7 per cent increase in entrants from disadvantaged backgrounds. However, the most advantaged young people are still 2.5 times more likely to enter higher education than their more disadvantaged peers.
- The numbers of mature part-time students studying in higher education continues to decline
- Sexual harassment within universities – and the impact this has on all students and staff – has been making headlines
- Anand Shukla has written of the importance of transparency in the provision of financial support for students.
The picture from A Level and GCSE results does show a diversifying of the potential student population. However, the news over the summer serves as a reminder of the importance of nurturing a culture of widening participation and inclusivity across all areas of higher education, including graduation.