CELebrate keynote 3: Informal learning in the workplace: opportunities for educators

This is the third of three keynotes at CELebrate 2016.  This presentation is by John Cook, Professor of Learning Innovation, University of the West of England on Thu 14 Apr 16, 14:00 – 15:00.  Click here to book your place.

This talk will give an overview of how the EU Learning Layers Project developed technologies to support informal learning in the workplace.

This talk will give an overview of how the EU Learning Layers Project developed technologies to support informal learning in the workplace, with a particular focus on small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) within Regional Innovation Clusters.

The mobile and social technologies unlock and enable peer production within and across those SMEs. These technologies also act as “scaffolds” for the individuals so that they can learn in the right context and at the right time. Scaling informal learning then means that shared meaning of work practices emerge at the individual (workers and practitioners), the organisational (SMEs) and the interorganisational (cluster) levels of the network.

The talk will highlight the opportunities for educators to harness the technologies to use in their own contexts, and will highlight the potential for collaborations. The session will be followed by a facilitated workshop introducing CONFER (a networking tool with underpinning algorithms) and will be co-facilitated by Dr Patricia Santos (UWE) and Dr Debbie Holley (BU).

John Cook is Professor of Learning Innovation at the University of the West of England. He is a member of the Centre for Moving Images Research where he leads the research stream in Hybrid Ralithy and culture.

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