Jorum resources – schedule for retirement

The UK’s largest repository for discovering and sharing Open Educational Resources for HE, FE and Skills.


Dear Colleagues,
Since the retirement was first announced on 24th June, the Jorum team have been developing a plan of activities to ensure the successful retirement of the service and ensure that this is communicated to our users. This message forms part of that activity.
To ensure that ongoing communications are shared and available at any time, the team have created a new section on the Jorum website:
Here you will find sections covering the main activities that the team will be focussing on up to the final retirement of the service:
• Survey and assessment of alternative OER platforms
• Jorum content audit and assessment
• Jorum content migration
• Archive and retire the Jorum service
The team has already begun work on these activities and the list of possible platforms is already available. We intend to support any of our depositors in retrieving their resources and we will make available support and guidance for this before the end of 2015. The other activities will be ongoing through the remainder of the 2015 – 16 academic year.
Jorum content audit and assessment
Jorum has over 16,000 resources shared over its 13 year life span. But not all content will be suitable to continue for various reasons. Some of these have already been identified. For example, resources with weblinks will not be migrated due to the poor user experience when these links fail or no longer exist. However, we will want to continue to make available any resource that was shared as part of a Jisc-funded project, e.g. the UKOER projects.
The team have already begun to consider the content available in the Jorum repository and its suitability to migrate to Jisc’s new Content and App store. The team will be working alongside colleagues in Jisc Futures to ensure the best content is available from across our collections and subject areas. Once we have determined our criteria, they will be added to our website and communicated. This will determine the remaining content to assess. Due to the likely number of resources involved, we expect to require input from subject specialists and perhaps also from you, the community. We therefore welcome input to this process and recommendations for migrating any content to the Content and App store.

This work will be carried out up to and including April 2016.
Jorum content migration
Once suitable Jorum content is determined, the team will work with Jisc colleagues to make this available in the Jisc Content and App store. More information will be made available as developments occur.
Archive and retire the Jorum service
When the Jorum service is retired, there will no longer be a web presence of the service. Any content which is not transferred to the Jisc Content and App store will be available only on request from an offline archive.
Activity Detailed Activity Date Completed
Survey & assess alternative platforms List now available
October 2015

Content audit & assessment • Content examined and analysed
• Decision Framework produced
• Advice available for retrieving existing content
• Jorum content audited e.g. for currency; usability; etc.
December 2015

April 2016
Content migration • Engage with Jisc colleagues to determine content suitability
• Content migration to Jisc Content and App Store April 2016
Archive & retire Jorum • Deposits will cease
• Service archived & switched off
September 2016

If you have any queries about any aspect of this message or our approach, then please do get in touch.
Best wishes,
Siobhán Burke

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