Emergent Technologies

D. Mendis – Digital Economy Act 2010: Fighting a losing battle?

Dinusha Mendis – “Digital Economy Act 2010: Fighting a losing battle? Why the ‘three strikes’ law is not the answer to copyright law’s latest challenge”, International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 2013, 27 (1),  60-84 Abstract This paper argues that the Digital Economy Act (DEA) 2010, already much delayed in its implementation, is fundamentally… Read more » about D. Mendis – Digital Economy Act 2010: Fighting a losing battle?

D. Mendis – ‘The Clone Wars’ – Episode 1: The Rise of 3D Printing and its Implications for Intellectual Property Law

Dinusha Mendis – ‘The Clone Wars’ – Episode 1: The Rise of 3D Printing and its Implications for Intellectual Property Law – Learning Lessons from the Past? European Intellectual Property Review, 2013, 35 (3), 155-169 Abstract Additive Layer Manufacturing or 3D printing as it is more commonly known is increasingly being embraced by the manufacturing… Read more » about D. Mendis – ‘The Clone Wars’ – Episode 1: The Rise of 3D Printing and its Implications for Intellectual Property Law

D. Mendis and M. Kretschmer – The Treatment of Parodies under Copyright Law in Seven Jurisdictions

D. Mendis & M. Kretschmer, The Treatment of Parodies under Copyright Law in Seven Jurisdictions (London: Intellectual Property Office; 2013) pp. 1-88 This Commissioned Report for the UKIPO offers a comparative legal review of the law of parody in seven jurisdictions.  For purposes of the Study, the researchers explored the status of parody in UK,… Read more » about D. Mendis and M. Kretschmer – The Treatment of Parodies under Copyright Law in Seven Jurisdictions

K. Erickson, M. Kretschmer and D. Mendis – Copyright and the Economic Effects of Parody

K. Erickson, M. Kretschmer and D. Mendis – Copyright and the Economic Effects of Parody (London: Intellectual Property Office; 2013), 1-34 This UKIPO Commissioned Report provides a summary of the empirical and legal findings and analyses their relevance for copyright policy. Download the Report here.