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BA (Hons) Multimedia Journalism

By Alice Fiancet

1st year BU student, BA (Hons) Multimedia Journalism

So you have packed all you things up, packed them into the car with your brand new cooking utensils and have taken to the road waving goodbye to whoever isn’t making the trip with you.

Now you find yourself in a town that you have maybe visited once or twice before, where the only thing you know about is what goes on at the uni and what course you are doing. So, what happens next?

This is the exciting bit…

Arrivals Fortnight.

The uni and SUBU organise 2 weeks of activities day and night. From bus tours to fancy dress parties there is something for everyone. All activities should be sent to you before your arrival at BU. In your welcome pack booklets you will find information about all events happening across the two weeks, including workout classes offered at the gym (I should have done some of these) and a cooking class for those of you not so adapt to living and looking after yourselves.

For those of you who are more likely to be spending your days lying in bed curing that curious thing known as the hangover from the night before, there is a party every night during Arrivals Fortnight, and trust me, they are good. From the Back-to-school party to the Zombie Apocalypse there is fancy dress and casual parties for every taste. Get used to the Old Fire Station and all the bars and clubs in and around Bournemouth town. Check out the places that offer student nights and look out for any deals you can get to make your nights out a little cheaper.

There’s also lots of alcohol free events too, like the Light Nights Festival Project, Pool Competitions, Quiz Nights and SUBU’s 5-minute volunteering activities.

Freshers’ Fair is also one thing not to miss. This is where you get the opportunity to meet and sign up for the sports teams and  societies that Bournemouth offers. There is everything from Cigars and Slippers Society to the Baking Society and if you struggle to fit into one of the hundred clubs and societies offered, you can create your own but you do need a minimum of 5 members.

Obviously you will still have a few academic things to do too. These are great as you’ll get to meet your tutors and new classmates – and make sure you go to your enrolment session!

Take the time you have during Arrivals Fortnight to appreciate what Bournemouth Uni can offer you and the sights the town has itself.

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