Professor Dimitrios Buhalis has been developing research on Metaverse and has published a range of high-impact journal articles with colleagues around the world. Buhalis, D., Leung, D., Lin, M., 2023, Metaverse as a Disruptive Technology Revolutionising, Tourism Management and Marketing, Tourism Management, Accepted – forthcoming Buhalis, D., Lin, M., Leung, D., 2023, Metaverse as… Read more » about Metaverse innovation research agenda
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis
Dimitrios Buhalis Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing
The sweet moment that you receive the Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing after 2 years of hard work editing the work of 1500 wonderful authors from around the world resulting to a mega project of more than 1250 entries, 3528 pages, and more than 2 million words. Buhalis, D., (ed), 2022, Encyclopedia of Tourism… Read more » about Dimitrios Buhalis Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing
Professional Development Courses for the Tourism and Hospitality Sector start at Bournemouth University
Professional Development Courses for the Tourism and Hospitality Sector have started at Bournemouth University Book now In the Department of Tourism and Hospitality, we pride ourselves on the cutting edge knowledge and professional excellence we cultivate. The combination of staff expertise and enthusiasm, knowledge excellence and co-creation with industry, generate innovation and best professional practice…. Read more » about Professional Development Courses for the Tourism and Hospitality Sector start at Bournemouth University
New article on Disruption technologies in the tourism industry
ORIGINAL RESEARCH Hsu, A., King, B., Wang, D., Buhalis, D., 2016, In-destination tour products and the disrupted tourism industry: progress and prospects, Information Technology & Tourism, Vol 17, pp.1-21. and Abstract Established inbound tour operators (ITOs) are being challenged by emerging competitors that have embraced technology-enabled innovations, including aspects that are associated with… Read more » about New article on Disruption technologies in the tourism industry
New paper Boes, K., Buhalis, D., Inversini, A., 2016, Smarttourism destinations: ecosystems for tourism destination competitiveness”,International Journal of Tourism Cities, Vol. 2(2), pp.108 – 124
New research paper Boes, K., Buhalis, D., Inversini, A., 2016, Smarttourism destinations: ecosystems for tourism destination competitiveness”,International Journal of Tourism Cities, Vol. 2(2), pp.108 – 124 Abstract Grounded in service-dominant (S-D) logic, the purpose of this paper is to explore the core components of smartness to present a framework for the development of the smart… Read more » about New paper Boes, K., Buhalis, D., Inversini, A., 2016, Smarttourism destinations: ecosystems for tourism destination competitiveness”,International Journal of Tourism Cities, Vol. 2(2), pp.108 – 124
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis will be keynoting at the National Congress of Hotel Management in Cali, Colombia, invited by COTELCO, the Hotel and Tourism Association of Colombia
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis, Head of Department of Tourism and Hospitality Bournemouth University will be keynoting at the National Congress of Hotel Management in Cali, Colombia, 30 September invited by COTELCO, the Hotel and Tourism Association of Colombia to address their annual congress.!programa/xmtut He will discuss Intelligent Tourism and the impacts of Smartness on Tourism and Hospitality.
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis on technology for accessible tourism
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis contributed to the the Europe Without Barriers project. Here is an interview on how technology can provide tools for accessible disability tourism : Innovations on smart technologies, cocreation, Internet of Things, bigdata See EWB conference “Accessible Tourism: Opportunity for All” on 21 and 22 March 2016. You can find some information… Read more » about Professor Dimitrios Buhalis on technology for accessible tourism
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis contributes to the EUROPE WITHOUT BARRIERS : “Accessible Tourism: Opportunity for All” 21-22 March 2016
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis contributes to the EUROPE WITHOUT BARRIERS : “Accessible Tourism: Opportunity for All” conference at Lucignano Italy 21-22 March 2016 EUROPE WITHOUT BARRIERS Project co-financed by the European Commission “Accessible Tourism: Opportunity for All” 21-22 March 2016 at 9:00 Venue: Rosini Theatre, Via Rosini 25, Lucignano (AR) – Tuscany – Italy Accommodation: “I Girasoli”, Località Selve… Read more » about Professor Dimitrios Buhalis contributes to the EUROPE WITHOUT BARRIERS : “Accessible Tourism: Opportunity for All” 21-22 March 2016
Tourism Authority of Thailand partnership with BU
A delegation from the Tourism Authority of Thailand came to Bournemouth University on 12 March to discuss developing a partnership with our School of Tourism. The Thai party included Manit Boonchim, the Executive Director of the Planning Department. Professor Dimitrios Buhalis from the School of Tourism said: “This is a great opportunity for cooperation between… Read more » about Tourism Authority of Thailand partnership with BU
Bournemouth University eTourism Lab leads at the ENTER 2014 Digital Tourism Conference in Dublin
January 21-24 the famous ENTER 2014 will bring together the eTourism community from all over the world for an exciting week full of eTourism events.