Living at BU’s Okeford House

  Okeford House is an accommodation unit specifically for postgraduate students, about 20 minutes’ walk from Bournemouth University, off Wimborne Road. I live by myself in a studio flat, meaning my room contains my sleep and study area, along with a kitchen, shower, and bathroom all in one unit, but having flatmates is a much… Read more » about Living at BU’s Okeford House

BU’s Chesil House offers the best of both worlds!

  If you need a quiet and mellow place to come home to then Chesil House is your place. Since a mixture of PG and UG students live in Chesil, there is a perfect balance here. It is easy to make friends and great for the mature student who is looking for a study space and… Read more » about BU’s Chesil House offers the best of both worlds!

Eli’s journey to BU

“Don’t be afraid of having big dreams, because sometimes they do become true…” Sometimes it takes longer than you expect to find exactly what you want to do with your life and what your path is. It took me five years to realise what Master’s degree I wanted to do. I already had a very strong… Read more » about Eli’s journey to BU

How BU has left a long lasting impact on my life

Bournemouth University has left a long lasting impact to my life. I studied MSc in Tourism Management & Marketing course and graduated in 2010. After graduation I returned to Vietnam and I am currently working as  a Lecturer in tourism marketing at Hong Bang International University. I am also the co-founder of and a partner in other projects, including… Read more » about How BU has left a long lasting impact on my life

Michal’s journey to BU

We’ve been asking our arriving students to share their journey to BU through blogs, vlogs and photos. Michal Koziatek’s joining us from Poland on MA Digital Effects. Watch his journey below… “When I learned about BU and the MA Digital Effects course, I knew right away – this is it, this is for me!”