The uni project that moved me

Hey everyone, my name is Alejandra and I’m an MSc Nutrition and Behaviour student from Colombia. Throughout the academic year, I have had lots of different projects from my course, from my placement, through the Global Talent Programme or other extra-curricular activities. There is one, in particular, that I will forever remember because it had… Read more » about The uni project that moved me

The amazing art behind bringing characters to life

Hello, my name is Patrycja. I’m Polish and I currently studying BA (Hons) Computer Animation Art and Design at Bournemouth Uni. I absolutely loved my first year here in Bournemouth. I loved the people, the town and my course. I have done so many amazing projects in this first year that it is really hard… Read more » about The amazing art behind bringing characters to life

A platform to boost your career

Hi everyone! I am Sujata from India and I am currently studying MA Media and Communication. In this blog I am going to talk about a really good initiative by Bournemouth University that prepares students for real world challenges: The Global Talent Programme. I joined this programme in the very first week of university and… Read more » about A platform to boost your career

Bournemouth’s vibrancy and colour

Bournemouth is a resort town located in Dorset. It is situated in the south of England and is well-connected to London by road or train. The main highlight of this amazing town is the mixture of different cultures, and the town attracts tourists from all around the world. Bournemouth also has its own international airport… Read more » about Bournemouth’s vibrancy and colour

An Indian in Bournemouth

Hi! My name is Sujata Singh, from India, and I am studying MA Media and Communication. Bournemouth University has a diverse range of students from different parts of the world. There’s also a lovely Indian community in Bournemouth, and here are some of my experiences: Indian Friend Circle – I’m really happy with the fact… Read more » about An Indian in Bournemouth

An Italian in Bournemouth

I’m Lara Barusso, a BA Computer Animation Art & Design student from Italy. Surprisingly, there are many Italians in Bournemouth; I’ve even found them in my same course, and in the years above me. I have met lots of Italians outside of class and outside of uni, although most of them came here to study,… Read more » about An Italian in Bournemouth

Finding a placement and making the most of it

Hey there, my name is Alejandra and I’m a Master’s student from Colombia. As part of my course, MSc Nutrition and Behaviour, I had to undertake a work placement of 12 days. Although it sounds like a short time, I discovered that there is a lot to do and learn. This is the story of… Read more » about Finding a placement and making the most of it

Finding international food in Bournemouth

As a first-year Brazilian American living in Bournemouth, I am constantly searching for supermarkets that have Brazilian ingredients that no other cuisines have, or similar to those found in Asian Markets. Personally, I never ate many “American foods” in my household, but I find that British and American cuisines are synonymous in many ways. The… Read more » about Finding international food in Bournemouth

Where to find Indian snacks in Bournemouth

Hi! I am Sujata Singh from India and I am studying MA Media & Communication. Before coming to the UK, my biggest worry was food. Like any other person, I love Indian food, and thought that it might be difficult to find. Believe it or not, I actually packed my luggage full of Indian snacks… Read more » about Where to find Indian snacks in Bournemouth