Why you should apply to be a Student Recruitment Ambassador

This is a guest blog by current student Shaun, studying BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences. Do you want to do that little bit extra and get paid to do it at the same time? Well one option is to become a student ambassador. Yes, that’s right the ones in the bright pink hoodies. I have been… Read more » about Why you should apply to be a Student Recruitment Ambassador

Students wearing orange ResLifeBU team t-shirts

ResLifeBU – Who are we and what do we do!?

This is a guest blog by ResLifeBU Assistant Phoebe Watkins. Feeling a little apprehensive about moving away from home? Wondering how your going to meet new people when you arrive? ResLifeBU have you covered. In 2016 BU launched ResLife, to help create a lively, friendly and supportive community for new students in BU accommodation. So,… Read more » about ResLifeBU – Who are we and what do we do!?

How SUBU can transform your student experience

This is a guest blog by Bradley Powell, Student Welfare Officer, SUBU. If you want to make the most out of your time at BU, I’d definitely recommend getting involved with SUBU. There’s plenty of opportunities for everyone. In first year, I volunteered to be the Student Rep. This led to a snowball effect; The skills and experience I gained from… Read more » about How SUBU can transform your student experience

Josh’s take on long distance relationships whilst at university

When it comes to relationships at University, you get to hear all of the comments that you may feel unnecessary such as “it won’t last” or “you won’t be able to do it”. It is these comments that encourage you to challenge the supposed stereotypes of University relationships and their failures. From my personal experience,… Read more » about Josh’s take on long distance relationships whilst at university

First Year Geographers’ Residential Field Trip to the Peak District

The residential field trip to the Peak District is definitely one of the highlights of first year in my opinion. It gave us a chance to experience carrying out fieldwork in a new environment, whilst also allowing us to socialise and bond together as a course throughout the trip’s duration. The first day was mainly… Read more » about First Year Geographers’ Residential Field Trip to the Peak District

What it’s like to be a practicing Adult Nurse after graduating

This is a guest blog by BU graduate Scott Bruce. First things first, being a qualified nurse is completely different to being a student! You actually get to call yourself a nurse and the buck stops with you! (EEK!… Scary, Right?!) You find yourself on shift saying things like “I’ll just go and check” or… Read more » about What it’s like to be a practicing Adult Nurse after graduating

Veganism – a new craze?

We definitely couldn’t ignore the recent hype around veganism, what with Veganuary having just passed us by! Being vegan means following a diet and lifestyle that does not use nor contain any animal products. Recently there has been a sharp increase in the amount of young people hopping onto this craze especially throughout January where… Read more » about Veganism – a new craze?