Bank notes and coins

The lowdown on undergraduate student finance for 2023 entry

Every now and then we ask our advisers in the Future Students Enquiry Team to share their top tips on key topics. Here’s their latest one about all things student finance for undergraduates. What financial help can I get? Tuition Fee Loans to cover the full cost of your course. This is a loan you… Read more » about The lowdown on undergraduate student finance for 2023 entry

Male in yellow jumper working on a laptop

My advice for writing your personal statement

Writing your personal statement is difficult, especially as you are talking about yourself! In this blog, I will… tell you what a Personal Statement is, how to talk about yourself in the best way possible, share a simple structure to help you start your statement and give you my 5 top tips for writing your… Read more » about My advice for writing your personal statement

Choosing courses for university

Choosing what you do after your sixth form or college studies is one of the biggest decisions in your life, and, if done correctly, can ensure you get to where you want to in life. It’s a choice for life. Being certain in your next steps and choosing what you want to do is something… Read more » about Choosing courses for university

Spending the day visiting JPMorgan

Chelsea is about to go into her second year studying BSc (Hons) Forensic Computing and Security. During her first year, she took part in a competition as part of the Computing in Business event for all first year Computing & Informatics students and her team won. Their prize was a chance to spend the day… Read more » about Spending the day visiting JPMorgan

Women in the Big Wheel in Bournemouth town centre.

My Family’s Accommodation Triumphs

If you are planning on bringing your family to Bournemouth whilst you study please make sure you read our web pages which contain important information about school admissions and nuseries, accommodation, medical care and more.  Getting an accommodation that will suit my family was challenging. I’m so glad, I came first to the UK before… Read more » about My Family’s Accommodation Triumphs

Farewell and Advice to Newcomers

Three years ago I came to university to not only receive a qualification in a career that I want but to get a new start. A fresh beginning to continue learning about life and being independent. University itself is not the easiest of times and it is an experience that vary. It is one where… Read more » about Farewell and Advice to Newcomers

SUBU Elections Night 2019 (Women's Committee)

What university has taught me

University for me hasn’t just been about studying academically. It’s allowed me to learn lots about myself, my future and the world around me. When I first applied, I don’t believe that I realised at the time, the amount of growing as a person you do whilst at university, especially during your early to late… Read more » about What university has taught me

Amazing Trips Around Bournemouth

Guest blog written by Kaiti Shang a postgraduate research student  With spring in full bloom, many of us plan to go away for the weekend or on holiday after the busy school life. But many freshmen may ask, “If I don’t want to go too far away, will I have to look at the sea… Read more » about Amazing Trips Around Bournemouth

Why I returned to BU for my Master’s

The process of determining whether to move on to a postgraduate course started, for me, at Christmas 2020 when I had just finished the first semester of my final year on BA (Hons) Television Production with the first stage of the process being deciding what postgraduate course would be best suited for me. My primary… Read more » about Why I returned to BU for my Master’s

Abbie’s thoughts on the Business & Management Hacking for Sustainability Project

This is a guest blog by BA (Hons) Business & Management student Abbie Wilson. Abbie shares what it was like to complete the new Hacking for Sustainability Project unit. Being one of the first students to complete the Hacking for Sustainability final year project unit* on the BA (Hons) Business & Management degree, I’d like… Read more » about Abbie’s thoughts on the Business & Management Hacking for Sustainability Project

How I met my first classmate at BU

Do you remember the first time you receive your official offer letter from Bournemouth University? How did you feel that day? Until now, I still vividly remember the day when I received my official letter and how excited I was to start my new journey in the UK. After the excitement, here came the question:… Read more » about How I met my first classmate at BU

Four students at the beach on graduation day

From Angkor Wat to Bournemouth – A Chevening Scholar’s Story

Sousdey everyone! Hello everyone! (Sousdey means Hello in Khmer) Well, where should I begin – I don’t know how to capture this in a few sentences. But let me try.  Born and raised in a remote village in Cambodia, my life has been nothing but adventurous since a very young age. From living in a… Read more » about From Angkor Wat to Bournemouth – A Chevening Scholar’s Story