Choosing my postgraduate degree

Hi, my name is Patty and I’m currently studying the MSc Computer Animation & Visual Effects at Bournemouth University. My transition to a Masters degree from Undergraduate study – my reason to study for a Masters degree. I really enjoyed doing my BA in Computer Animation Art & Design at BU. I had a great… Read more » about Choosing my postgraduate degree

A placement on the Falklands Islands looking after penguins

This guest blog is from Hannah, a final year BSc (Hons) Ecology and Wildlife Conservation student. She tells us about her time spent on placement working in the Falklands Islands on a conservation project.  I’m from North Wales, I started studying BSc (Hons) Ecology and Wildlife Conservation at BU when I was 22 after spending… Read more » about A placement on the Falklands Islands looking after penguins

How a placement clarified my career goals

Cliona is currently in her final year of BSc (Hons) Psychology here at Bournemouth University. In this guest blog she talks about her experiences working with Cornwall NHS Foundation Trust during her placement year. From September 2021-July 2022, I worked within Cornwall NHS Foundation Trust for my placement year. My role was an Honorary Assistant… Read more » about How a placement clarified my career goals

Broadening my career options with a placement

Caitlin is a final year student studying BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering. Between her second and final year she took a placement year. In this guest blog, she talks about her placement experience and how that has influenced her future career aspirations.  I study Mechanical Engineering with a hope to work in the automotive industry post-university,… Read more » about Broadening my career options with a placement

Emily with photos of places to go in the Bournemouth area behind and the words places to visit part 3

My favourite places in Bournemouth | Part 3

Hiya Having just finished my third and final year here at Bournemouth University, I thought it was only fair for me to wrap this year up with a third a final places to visit video. I think this is my most packed one yet, get ready for a list of about 20 new places for… Read more » about My favourite places in Bournemouth | Part 3

What’s in my bag *Uni Student Edition*

Hiya guys, Today I thought I’d throw it right back to 2013 where YouTube was a wholesome place full of daily routines, hauls and what’s in my bag videos. So today I thought I’d give you guys a video all on what I take to university as a final year BA (Hons) Television Production student…. Read more » about What’s in my bag *Uni Student Edition*

SUBU Elections Night 2019 (Women's Committee)

What university has taught me

University for me hasn’t just been about studying academically. It’s allowed me to learn lots about myself, my future and the world around me. When I first applied, I don’t believe that I realised at the time, the amount of growing as a person you do whilst at university, especially during your early to late… Read more » about What university has taught me

My placement abroad story

Doing a placement was a requirement in order to complete my degree. Putting the information, I learnt into practice and testing out an element of marketing was a great opportunity. Doing it abroad was an even bigger opportunity. Support on offer BU offer language classes in Spanish, German, Arabic and others which can help you… Read more » about My placement abroad story

Why I returned to BU for my Master’s

The process of determining whether to move on to a postgraduate course started, for me, at Christmas 2020 when I had just finished the first semester of my final year on BA (Hons) Television Production with the first stage of the process being deciding what postgraduate course would be best suited for me. My primary… Read more » about Why I returned to BU for my Master’s

Careers event

The end of an era, the start of my career

After studying BA (Hons) Social Work for nearly 3 years, my degree is coming to an end. Final year at university can feel pretty daunting and full on, but for me I found myself making the most of all the offers and opportunities Bournemouth University have for us. In my final year, we experienced guest… Read more » about The end of an era, the start of my career

How a placement enhanced my skills

Hammed is an MSc Information Technology student who has spent his placement with Clearview Imaging. In his blog he talks about how he spent his time on placement, what he’s learnt and what his plans for the future are.   In June 2021, I began my professional placement at ClearView Imaging Limited in Thame, England. ClearView… Read more » about How a placement enhanced my skills

Abbie’s thoughts on the Business & Management Hacking for Sustainability Project

This is a guest blog by BA (Hons) Business & Management student Abbie Wilson. Abbie shares what it was like to complete the new Hacking for Sustainability Project unit. Being one of the first students to complete the Hacking for Sustainability final year project unit* on the BA (Hons) Business & Management degree, I’d like… Read more » about Abbie’s thoughts on the Business & Management Hacking for Sustainability Project