Making the most of a January start

Are you thinking about postgraduate study in 2020? Why not start this month –  Bournemouth University has a wide range of  Master’s degrees available. Bournemouth is my hometown – I was born and raised here – so for me, it was a no-brainer to do my masters at BU as I have lived here my… Read more » about Making the most of a January start

5 ways to celebrate the festive season on a student budget

Christmas is fast approaching, and as well as December deadlines and January exams, trying to budget over the festive season can be very difficult. But fear not – there are definitely ways to celebrate the holidays on a student budget! Each year my housemates and I find new and exciting activities that require minimum spending…… Read more » about 5 ways to celebrate the festive season on a student budget

More than just a Midwifery degree

The students who study at BU are different. Their ambitions, expectations, interests, are all unique to them. And so are their experiences! Jessica tells us about her degree of difference in this guest blog.  Jessica Correia studying BSc (Hons) Midwifery. There is no feeling quite like the drive home post a 12-hour night shift as… Read more » about More than just a Midwifery degree

My semester abroad to New Jersey, America

This is a guest blog by current student Isabel Bedford-Payne. I am Issy Bedford-Payne and I’m a second year student at Bournemouth university studying Events management. My semester abroad is at Montclair state university in New Jersey, America. I have never been to New Jersey but I have visited New York three times. Being accepted… Read more » about My semester abroad to New Jersey, America

Being Polish in Bournemouth

Hello, my name is Patrycja, I come from Poland and I am a first year BA (Hons) Computer Animation Art and Design student at BU. Bournemouth is an English town, right? Well yes and no. I find Bournemouth to be very international as there are people from all around the world, and this makes me… Read more » about Being Polish in Bournemouth

Have a cultural blast at uni

Have a cultural blast at uni Hi there, my name is Alejandra and I come from Colombia studying an MSc in Nutrition and Behaviour. One of the things I enjoy the most is meeting new people and learning about different cultures. Moving here from so far away, I understand leaving your friends and family is… Read more » about Have a cultural blast at uni

The best places to visit in Bournemouth

If you are submitting your UCAS application soon and debating whether to select BU as one of your choices or maybe you’ve applied but don’t know for certain if you will select is as your insurance or firm choice here’s why as a location Bournemouth is second to no other! Bournemouth is an extremely beautiful… Read more » about The best places to visit in Bournemouth

international student

Kyana’s journey as an International Student

You step on the plane, find your seat, and finally take a deep breath. As the wheels of the plane lift off the ground, you feel your stomach rising to your throat as you whisper “goodbye” the place you’ve called home. You’re on your way to university and you’re not sure how you should feel…. Read more » about Kyana’s journey as an International Student

When should I start thinking about 2nd year accommodation?

When beginning to think about that dream house you want for second year there are many things to take into account including the people you want to live with, the location (Winton is ideal) and how much you want to spend. I started looking for my second year house in January and there was still many… Read more » about When should I start thinking about 2nd year accommodation?